Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Hearing the Little Life Inside

This should've been my first post, but I didn't notice in my day timer until after...I documented the day John and I got to hear his little heartbeat for the first time. It was on Thursday, May 7 at our 13 week appointment. It was the most amazing thing.

I think up until that point because I really didn't have any typical symptoms like morning sickness, I was still almost wondering if I really was pregnant. Even after 2 home tests and confirmation at the doctor's office, I still just didn't think it was real!

But when we heard that heartbeat...and 3 kicks as an added bonus, our jaws dropped. I was so full of joy, I just started laughing uncontrollably. John and I caught each other's eyes, and he looked like the happiest man on earth.

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